ziven 'yutan' yu
The Berry Blossoms, The Shade Tree, An Abundance of Color
deathless harvests, eternal fruits, glowing seeds, supreme genesis
Fluent: Japanese, Mandarin, Korean, Italian, English
Advanced: German, French, Darija
The Berry Blossoms, The Shade Tree, An Abundance of Color
deathless harvests, eternal fruits, glowing seeds, supreme genesis
Fluent: Japanese, Mandarin, Korean, Italian, English
Advanced: German, French, Darija
Rather than one singular place, various cultivations of power between two transcendent humans have created pocket dimensions such as Xsaya-Rsa which empower the offspring of these couplings. This makes Xsaya-Rsa not a foundation of reality but the foundation of the Yu's reality — all of the children draw their power to manipulate the laws of tangible truth from the eternal energy within Xsaya-Rsa. As long as they work together to continuously defeat the chaos that blooms within it, they will have power eternal, expansive and absolute.
Xsaya-Rsa is a kind of Kunlun, or Utopia, and exists as only one of many such in the realities of creation. Some have witnessed dimensions like it as Shangri-La, Hyperborea, or even Avalon. Most entities that can tresspass into a celestial sphere like Xsaya-Rsa are deity-adjacent figures, entities born of Earth who learn to transcend and travel unto other dimensions and realities while retaining their power and authority.
The boundless force of creation harnessed into the vessels of false mortals. Deathless Harvests is the prime source of individual and distinct power within each of the Majou. Though no single child can harness all primordial force, they are each born with a clear distinction over a various and (sometimes) overlapping domain with one another. This raw power is seen as dark, to some, and comes with the vast and unkillable ends that the universe considers in trees and forests wild. This power makes their conceptual gifts absolute, altering and changing reality around them in ways that belong unto each child specifically no matter the convoluted or often confusing nature of their power to others.
The Numine — or, particle matter — that exists for the Majou to manipulate is a prima materia itself, the origin of matter and universes itself. It moves through all dimensions and realities and the Majou can see it within the conceptual nature of their gifts. Whether through colors, metaphors, mimicry or spirits, the Majou children can witness unique phenomena that they can then mimic, expand, create, manipulate and control with absolute authority.
All Majou are, in essence, warpers of reality. The divine ethereal nature of their maternal heritage worked within to the semi divine beastial magic of their paternal heritage has created, unto them, minor reality shapers. Whether wrinkles of reality to alter the landscape or curves to drag color out of solid matter, the Majou manipulate reality by manipulating the foundation of what reality is. This does not mean they can override actual reality warpers who alter planetary or cosmic scales, but it does mean that they maintain their powers to affect direct matter around them no matter what the circumstances are.
There have been others like Majou before, and their names have always been varied and different. Nephilim, anakim, cambion, asura, emim, bassara, giants — the title of the idea of a two-seedline entity, both divine and not, has been marketed and turned into species unto themselves again and again. For the Majou, it is still rather undefined, making them more like Protogenoi than any singular species. This makes them large, strong and unique.
Each defeated hundun — or, primal chaos create — gifts the Majou an opposition of power to it. That is, a Hundun represents its own antithesis, giving the victors over it power that it both represents and negates; i.e. the Hundun that trapped spirits gifted the Majou the power of astral manipulation. These symbolic manifestations are imbued within the Majou, making it so they can draw the markers without any aid, burning it into reality.
✰ Sanmon • The early bird that holds you down, Sanmon became the manifestation of astral trapping which, upon defeat, granted the Majou children the ability to manipulate astral bodies.
✰ Thurian • The King that would not be, Thurian became the manifestation of dismantled parts which, upon defeat, granted the Majou children the ability to manifest their own unique weapon on command. his favorite blade is the starforge.
✰ Kelon • The beast that would not end, Kelon became the manifestation of mortal reminder which, upon defeat, granted the Majou children the ability to replicate any matter including living vessels.
✰ Gefang • The cage that would not bend, Gefang became the manifestation of imprisonment which, upon defeat, granted the Majou children the ability to escape almost any kind of restriction that may happen upon them.
✰ Guette • The inescapable gaze, Guette became the manifestation of compliance which, upon defeat, granted the Majou children the ability to create shortcuts as rapid and easy means of teleportation.
✰ Autsch • The King of Pain, Autsch became the manifestation of killing aches which, upon defeat, granted the Majou children the ability to heal living matter in a variety of means.
✰ Ukkon • The thunderclap of universes, Ukkon became the manifestation of discordant worry which, upon defeat, granted the Majou children the ability to create supernatural events from their existence, making them like musica universalis (the harmony of the spheres, which creates spiritual and celestial harmony).
✰ Quna The truth of circumstance, Quna became the manifestation of revealed horrors which, upon defeat, granted the Majou children the ability to cast illusions that can impact reality.
✰ Ulreun • The burning mountain, Ulreun became the manifestation of volcanic destruction which, upon defeat, granted the Majou children the ability to manipulate islands and the matter that lives upon them.
∞ songs
Numine is the particle of matter that connects the Yu children to Xsaya-Rsa. Numine idly flow through all of reality and every universe, as the pocket dimension exists connected and permeating through to everything. In a matter of conservation of energy, this means that Numine is a particle of charged matter that can be visualized, manipulated and harnessed by those who have a genetic predispositioned for it. The Yu children, as self-proclaimed Majou, all carry two unique genetics for this: an endotoxin protein channel (animutheosis-active dimune kaluptein gate / ADKG) which allows them to both generate and absorb ambient energy and DXj-NA (dryaxenojanin nucleotides) which are idle cells that, upon coming into direct contact with oxygen, can convert the body into their Divine Batlaq forms.
There is no evidence that Numine under any other influence can affect matter in the way that the Yu children can. Because of this, the entire draw of power from Xsaya-Rsa is an enigma to science and logic, something only those who work within the unreality of reality can hope to understand and match. Creator Gods, Conceptual Beings and some of the most powerful witches are the only ones who have been able to mimic partial gifts.
Each Majou is linked to their genetic dimension and, through such, capable of harnessing their own individual bond to it. Through this, their conceptual gifts are born: their harvest, their fruit, their seed and their genesis, woven into their structural being and defined by their very nature and decisions along the way of their lives. These bonds are eternal and, as long as the dimension lives, so too will their gifts — a direct link to the energy Xysaya-Rsa creates.
Each Majou's focus is unique, caught special into them. Even when some of their concepts or forms vaguely overlap, it is never something that is inherently similar to one another. They are special in a way that makes each of them unique and allows a fine control that they understand better than anyone else. This is why their gifts can be strange to others, or senseless — the power is special for the individual, not the reality that they exist within.
Just as Xsaya-Rsa is enigmatic, so, too, are the gifts that the Majou have. They are not discernable by science, or even something that the gods can completely understand. The odd overlaps, twists and loops of their genetic inheritances have created unique, singular and rather unknown entities and forms for them to understand among themselves.
As all the siblings share a dimensional space to draw power from, they are connected. Though they can't utilize one another's gifts the Majou can feel one another's circumstances. When one shifts into their Batlaq form, for instance, the others know; when one is in danger or high stress, the others know.
Just as the Majou cannot borrow one another's gifts, they cannot use their gifts to harm one another. Their immunity to their powers does not extend to other similar powers — so if someone were to use aura colorful attacks on Ziven, he would be impacted. It only means his own siblings and, he to them, cannot harm each other. They simply harness and absorb the energy particles instead.
In a process that no one understands yet, the Majou's genetics interact with oxygen and intention to create their shift into Batlaq forms. When blood is drawn from their bodies with ill intend, the Majou transform into their chimera forms and develop new abilities that they can only access within their Batlaq shapes.
The Batlaq are all what Earth would consider giant monsters: titanic entities that manifest the spirit and nature of animals. The cultivation of Batlaq in the paternal side of the Majou bloodline gives all the children not just the form of giant monsters — as each Batlaq is a chimera and therefore transitions between forms — but governance of themselves even within these forms. Typically, transitioning off being harmed makes the form last until the harm has ended but they can maintain for as long as they require when there is danger.
Ziven's seed has harvested within him the authority and personification of colors. Thanks to the interaction that the Majou have with reality itself, Ziven can reach into anything and drain it of its color, hues and shades. The color then stains him, leaving emptiness where he's taken from — cars that are only steel now, shirts that are bare and color washed away — and giving him the ability to expand, manipulate and manifest any manner of power touched by the color he holds. Blue flames, purple lightning, red waves, monsters made of rainbows... if it can be imagined with color, it can be done by his hand. Because color is a fracture of light, as well, Ziven's gifts mimic both the conceptual hues of reality and the force of ruptured and fractured spectrums.
Ziven shares his personficiation of light with Nura and Valerian, as one of the overlaps of abilities. Because of his access to pure light and colors, even unseen, Ziven can access the ability to become a quantum uncertainty or a 10th dimensional being at will, as colors exist in difference for them, often varying in realms and dimensions anyway.
Ziven's fruit has ripened into the variety of berries in bloom: he can affect colors beyond just the manifestation but their intention as well, altering auras, empathy, and esoteric light to imbue and personify new definitions. Though there are literally an infinite number of colors (both visible and not), there is a basic grasp on Earth of sixteen base colors whose attributes, associations and spiritual influence Ziven creates and controls as he wills it: pink, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, lavender, purple, gray, silver, gold, amber, white, black
While Tarot, Candles, Dreams and some other styles of reality are involved with colors, Ziven hasn't commonly focused on developing an abundance of influence there. If anything does belong to a color, or a color defines something, however, even in the barest belief and correspondence, he can touch upon it.
Anything Ziven does is not only drawn from its color, but manifests in shades of that color. Trying to influence fire, root chakras, or volcanoes, for instance, all manifests from a touch of red he projects and holds materials with. Occasionally, when using his colors, Ziven reveals a glimpse into a dimension of pure color force that his particles weave through: the bloomsphere.
Ziven's interaction with the particle from Xsaya-Rsa allows him to replicate, loop and manipulate the quantity, rarity and abundance of any kind of matter but most especially the colors he steals from material matter. This means that even if it's a barely there, just a quick sliver of yellow light in the air, he can snatch it and make from it an army of monsters drawn from the yellow. His replications manifest from the subjective happenstance of reality which means if he manifests a few extra dollars to pay for a meal, it's accounted for without inflation or negatively impacting anyone.
Because the Majou can utilize both the heights of heaven and the depths of hell in the range of their reality alterations before them, they exist in a manner that is best related to nephalems — but certainly does not make them such. They are two-seedline entities with extraordinary power and unnatural qualities to themselves, however, with the gift of ethereal energy thanks to the nature of the Numina their mother is manifest of. Ziven is something like a Watcher of old lore: large, emboldened with conceptual might and capable of using colorful, bright lights to make himself larger than mountains to guard against anything.
Their paternal heritage gives the Majou the size, might and capabilities of transcendent giants before their bloodshed transforms them. They can turn massive and, as they do, they earn innate gifts that they cannot control: magic and nature sprouts from their body to heal and repair the world around them, making it so even if they walk into a building, or a car, it isn't destroyed and no one is harmed beneath them. They also, obviously, have exponentially growing physical conditions correlated to the size they take on.
Ziven's Batlaq form, when he does transition into a beast, usually manifests with parts of turtles (and tortoises), frogs, serpents and warlords. That is, he typically has some kind of dermal armor, some kind of elongated limbs, prehensile additions and empowered war concepts. In his Batlaq form (whatever manner it manifests in) he has power associated with the creatures themselves, just as all his siblings get in their forms, thanks to being both Batlaq and, technically, Xian — or, ethereal gods.
Ziven shares serpents within the form of dragons with his father, Oberon and Caspian.
While a Numina is a divine entity that manifests through the power of Shen and Xian in China, they are transient beings whose powers can be lost, given up or traded. Unlike normal Numina, as their mother or grandfather was, Majou have been born of something else and now exist as close to Xian as Earth-Borns can become: they are immortal figures that transition between gods, immortals, shamans, witches, fairy, elves, genie and nymphs. Their gifts are so vast and strange that they seem like any of the mythological forms a Xian can be depending on what they're doing and what gifts they're emulating.
The flagship of the social media network Surround Sound that they recently solidified, ⌈Camp Two Swords⌋ is a weekly pop culture podcast distributed via iTunes, iHeartRadio Talk, SoundCloud, Spotify and Stitcher. With a monthly average of 1.5 million unique listeners and a lifetime of 30 million listens around the world, ⌈Camp Two Swords⌋ is a rising enterprise for the young perspective, discussion and analysis of pop culture, current events and open individuality. The show, averaging anywhere between 90 and 180 minutes long, is typically formatted with four meta segments: Tropical Topical, Quixotic Exotic, Be Kind: Aim For My Heart and Goodbye, Pussycat! Meow~ as the consistent end segment.
Tropical Topical is one of the possible openings of the show each week. Lead by Kiamani, the segment features questions submitted from the previous week for Kiamani and lets her open with honest advice, stories from her week, and her view of recent and current events in the world at large. Usually, she ends with some kind of story of her childhood, or of people she knows from Jamaica, and the old stories her grandparents would tell.
Quixotic Exotic is the other possible opening of the show each week. Lead by Ziven, the segment features questions submitted from the previous week for Ziven and lets him open with hopeful advice, stories from his week and his view of recent and current events in the world at large. Usually, he ends the segment with some kind of discussion of a song, album, or strange myth he's learned about in his growing up under two successful and strange mangaka.
Be Kind, name inspired by The Three Musketeers which is one of the most remade stories of all time, is the meta name for the pop culture segment that they run, the bulk of the show. This fracture of the time is split into four subcategories whose names and concepts occasionally shift and change. Currently, the formet is as follows:
The farewell segement to each episode is sometimes as short as ten minutes to make room for other guest segments (fashion, sports, or guest promotion and interviews) but usually features the duo giving their blunt opinions on trending people, topics and new fandoms. The name comes from The Valley of The Dolls.
The family has moved around quite a lot. Just in Siven's lifetime they have lived in nine different countries.
✰ (2001 — 2018) Fukuoka, Japan *
✰ (2001 — 2005) Jiangsu, China *
✰ (2003 — 2005) Medina, Saudi Arabia
✰ (2005 — Present) Casablanca, Morocco
✰ (2008 — 2010) Brandenburg, Germany
✰ (2010 — Present) Montaione, Italy
✰ (2012 — 2016) Bordeaux, France
✰ (2016 — 2020) London, England
✰ (2020 — Present) New York City, New York
All of the Majou are diligent martial artists and hold several belts and honors in different fields of combat. Ziven, for instance, holds a 2nd Dan Blackbelt in Ju Jutsu, a brown belt in Krav Maga, a Rokudan in Ninjitsu, lessons in both styles of Paranza Corta and bi-weekly lessons in Pencak Silat as well.
Ziven is an expert acrobat, escapologist and talented with various fields of espionage. His motor control is so fine he is signatured with a quintuple full (five somersaults with four body twists) and his mind for infiltration has allowed him to hack into computer systems, break through government firewalls and banking systems with ease.
While Ziven can use shades of yellow to communicate and understand things in dire circumstances, he has learned most of his talents, techniques and languages himself. The aid of having two polyglot parents has helped all the Majou have an ease with langauge. It also helped that Valeriann was always making up new languages for them to toy around with.
Because gegenees (multipled armed giants) fall under the basic nature of Majou transendence, all the Majou are inherently ambidexterous and have no dominant hand. As Warlords are often depicted with even more hands, Ziven can colorfully use multiple limbs and manifest numerous appendages at will, each as fully functional and compliant as his natural two.
His excess limbs help him to utilize his dual blades in combat. Each blade he manifests is coated in two colors that are invisible to the naked eye: they are drawn from a higher dimension than Earth can handle. But, they allow each strike to be excessive, as if being cut by three blades each time, and each blade is held comfortably by colored arms that extend the invisible shade.
Ziven names all of his blades that he has created and manifested from his Majou shared powers of weaponry. His favorite is The Starforge, but they all function the same: blades that can extend to massive lengths, break into whip-swords, hook-chains, harpoons and manriki-style drags. He is an expert of the fighting style he used to, as a child, call The Incredible, Totally Cool, Majorly Destructive, Chaotic Super-Better-Than-You Kick-All-Monster's Butt Jutsu Technique which has, since, been renamed: Kick Blade.
Absolutely adores Æbleskiver, a much preferred snack. Also enjoys wagashi, cornetti con panna, mhancha cookies, terry's chocolate orange balls and pfannkuchen. He has a serious sweet tooth. Blame the vivid colors of candies all in his youth.
As all the Majou children had to do chores no matter what was assigned, they all learned to make a few staple dishes. They aren't all excessively amazing cooks but they are pretty good at home-made deals. Ziven is great at cooking just four dishes: unagi, schäufele, bistecca alla florentina and beef wellington.
Sonderbata is amazing, but Ziven's goal is a bit different: he wants to create the stage space and right moments for spectacles. To write the music, conceptualize the story, to build the stages and costumes that all come together... his goal is to become the man behind the myths that pop culture creates and uses to bond together.
While his focus in his youth (until the age of 16) was to join the circus one day, Ziven has always held various interests at once. He tried sports (soccer was his jam!) and cooking, of course, even some drawing, but nothing quite hit the way performing something not-so-average did. That transition into making music has been a wonderful journey.
Everything he likes for himself is colorful. Underwear, socks, towels, even some of his blankets and hoodies. Ziven even orders colorful condoms for the fun of it, though mostly he isn't allowed to use them.
Is planning on getting himself a motorcycle license once he settles into living in New York properly! He can drive right now, but he's never much had a chance to use it except for on dates.
Films with great soundtracks are obviously a favorite: comic book films, indie films, and the old 90s kind of films that used contemporary artists and remixes. The quality of film isn't always the best, but it uses music to hype you and that's what makes them fun! He also enjoys shows like Songland, Immortal Song, I Am A Singer and other occasional singing or music competition shows.
Favorite artists include Kygo, David Guetta, Steve Aoki, Zedd, Peggy Gou, Alison Wonderland, Jackie Morales, Julian Kim, Mademoiselle Yulia, Illenium, ILL-ESHA and Anna Lunoe.
pbs: odagiri joe, ni ni
(16, February 1953) A batlaq version of a Kirin, Ate is the kind of father that every child wants. Absurd, playful, a wild story teller and someone who enjoys pranks as much as the others. His flare for fashion helps, too. As the creator of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, there's few people that accept life as readily as Ate has always done for his children.
(10, November 1955) Mirei Tai is born of a family of Numina originated in Jiangsu. Though her chlidhood had a great many difficulties through it, and her first marriage was full of true wickedness, Meiling has always been soft hearted, curious and bold. This has turned her into a mother of warmth and lovingkindness.
Working since high school, in 1969 — where he got to protege under Go Nagai — Ate got to release a solo series starting in 1980 and has kept with it ever since. He spent years trying to encourage Meiling to do the same, to venture out, but she waited until inspiration found her properly.
Being Zainichi was hard. Being Zainichi to a single mother was damn near impossible. If not for the blessed luck of the Kirin that Ate was born to be, they might not have made it at all. But somehow, the blessings poured, and they avoided the worst of their fates time and time again. Work was steady, if not lavish, and neighbors were trepidous but never outwardly mean.
His father was absent until he wasn't. Odd visits. Strange trips to see brothers overseas. There was power in them all. Might. Strength. Ate didn't care about that very much. The journey was more enticing. The knowledge of new information and growing truths. Rock and roll. Western fashion. Everything that no one else would believe became a value.
Earth is home. Even when Ate learns about Niyarshi, it doesn't feel right. Being converted into another being, another entity, is a hard thing to swallow. But it is his truth, and he does his best to abide by it. Helping others. Fixing things. He is a mired elf in strange kind light.
While Ate is a massive fan of all things Italian, Rock 'n Roll and Fashion, his pop culture tastes have always been wildly eclectic and so, all of the children have grown up within an arm's reach of just about anything they ever wanted to explore and listen to, read or watch.
A faith filled man who yearns for more, always, Ate has done the strange things of taking the family to haunted hotels, or sitting at supposedly haunted riverbanks, to try to meet spirits that fester into culture and stories. He wants always to be the man who can tell a story that you never want to end, even after death of the body has come and gone.
Working since 1975, Meiling didn't get to release her own solo series until 1999 after working on Magical Cirle Guru Guru and Himitsu, a series of rotating creators. Her hesitation stemmed from her young and abusive marriage, keeping her locked in working as a protege to prolific writers and creators for decades despite her new husband's support.
A mean father. An ailing brother. And Meiling, the star of power. She was married by 18, divorced by 21, and a runaway to Japan before she even really understood herself. But where there is a will there is a way, and her majestic power was always enough to keep her afloat.
Lost to the ages of her family and their various circumstances, Meiling took a long time to find herself. Once she did, with Ate, she has never looked back. Her curiosity flourished, her want for exploration and doing, her need to give back — all of it has only grown in the garden of the privelege she's earned even with a whole clan of children to raise.
Transitional entities of magic and aether, Numina are spirit beings from the world of Outao. Meiling is the guardian of several gates now. She is power. Majesty. And she has given birth to more, unique unto them. She feels blessed, almost every day.
Arabic culture and history, scientific advancement in weapons and industry, flower-blossom desserts, chubby cheeks, sibling solidarity, rock music, vineyards (but not the scent of fresh earth), religion as an ideal, oil paintings, charity work, cows.
✰ The couple meets at some point in 1981 but do not kiss until 1983. After that, there is no stopping either of them from having one another.
✰ The first time Meiling gets pregnant, they know right away. The cheap room they share breaks open and all around them, there is light. It spills for ages, and wraps into a universe just for the two of them. Their growth into family is a growth into a world just for their love. This, they both feel, is perfect.
✰ The first Hundun is taken care of by the parents. Well, by Ate, mostly, who pierces open the demon's chest with his own horns and feels knowledge flood his mind, his heart, his soul. He understands before the children are born what will come. He knows that they are the heroes of their own story, together. They will triumph.
✰ But if their children would have to face their own demons, then they would need a reason to always try and try again. So, they learned to travel. To give them anything and everything they could. Time in every corner of the world. Marathon races down to any curiosity and the path it made. They would be well rounded and complete.
✰ Editors usually hate this. They move without much warning. They travel and crop up anywhere and everywhere they please. But, when finally tracked down, they always have their work ready or submissions sent in. It's not like they ever promise their address will stay the same, anyway. They just make promises for timely work.
✰ Though they have more children than their hands can handle, they make due. The Chore Wheel is Queen. Everyone learns to work together. Cooking family meals. Cleaning dishes together. Games are made where they can be. And the world is bright, even when they fight once a year.
✰ They stop with Ziven, not because they have any worries but — because even when you do your best, sometimes you need pause. A rest. Now that the last of their children are almost out of the house, they can enjoy one another thoroughly again. The star full of skies that is their family can wait for more.
pb: ayase haruka
(24, march 1987) Speech-language pathologist at Saint Maur International School, Lyra is more housewife than career woman but she loves the habit. Raising her four children has made her a bit of a local folk hero, considering how few are having children at all. It feeds Lyra's soft confidence to get to be the picture perfect wife and picture perfect mother — and it comes so naturally to her anyway. Her children have all begun to develop inclincations toward magic and she's doing her best to handle that.
Lyra's harvest crops the horrors of the world and turns them into tangible force. From manifesting terrors to using mental worries to freeze and immobilize victims, she can become horror even against monsters, becoming a weapon and vessel for retribution and destruction.
The Red Apricots are corruption and blessings, either poisoning the land and the roots of a person's soul or uplifting them to wonderous, grand heights. She can snatch even the concept of corruption out of someone to create twisted versions of them to do her bidding.
From fear and corruption can come gifts of moral kindness: the benefic forces and malefic forces that weave through minds, spirits, entities and figures. Lyra can pluck them out like strings and feathers, twist them into solid force and creatures, whole waves of them, that do her bidding.
Like the olden Daughters of Men, powerful semi-giants, Lyra can grow her form just as her own siblings do. She cannot grow as tall as the other but can, however, match any of their physical gifts while sprouting wings with which to fly, as the angels and maidens of celestial skies might.
Their paternal heritage gives the Majou the size, might and capabilities of transcendent giants before their bloodshed transforms them. They can turn massive and, as they do, they earn innate gifts that they cannot control: magic and nature sprouts from their body to heal and repair the world around them, making it so even if they walk into a building, or a car, it isn't destroyed and no one is harmed beneath them. They also, obviously, have exponentially growing physical conditions correlated to the size they take on.
Lyra's batlaq is the most humanoid of the Majou siblings, taking her into a status of angelic-nymph or fairy-muse rather than into a beast. Her face is, typically, covered or missing in her Batlaq form, however, with only the hints of structure remaining upon it — silk over places where a nose, eyes, or mouth should be.
While a Numina is a divine entity that manifests through the power of Shen and Xian in China, they are transient beings whose powers can be lost, given up or traded. Unlike normal Numina, as their mother or grandfather was, Majou have been born of something else and now exist as close to Xian as Earth-Borns can become: they are immortal figures that transition between gods, immortals, shamans, witches, fairy, elves, genie and nymphs. Their gifts are so vast and strange that they seem like any of the mythological forms a Xian can be depending on what they're doing and what gifts they're emulating.
pb: angelababy
(28, february 1989) The only adopted child of the Majou, Angela was an orphaned bassara who was turned Majou by virtue of her siblings welcoming and emboldening her so fully. Now, she is Majou through and through, retaining her bassara gifts in the way her siblings' powers manifest. Owner of Snow Plum Bakery which has a location in Hong Kong as well as Tokyo and Osaka, Angela has taken a step back from work and let some of her partners take over the brunt of it so she can spend time traveling with Wenqiang the way her own parents would with her when young. Though she married a human, her son showing recent signs of magical development has given her pause on the next step to take.
Angela harvests the powerful growth of the tree in life, giving her the chance to wear masks that can manifest new powers within her. Angela does not require making a mask directly — instead, she needs only touch someone, or something, and she can draw away a shell of it made into wood that she can then wear to seemlessly become them, from spirit outward.
Thanks to her changes, the plum of her soul gives her the right to embody change and alterations. Through this, Angela can not only take a 'mask' of a person or object but then fuse the mask with something else, forcing the original subject to merge with new matter. This can either create wonderful new talents, traits or gifts or — devistate a body by essentially melding it into concrete or trees or metals.
Because of all this, Angela's seed requires her to remain enticing. This defines her as beautiful, though she does not always look it; more so, she is pleasing to the eye, so that when she shifts she is not disruptive to the course of her enivornment or day, only something that blends in completely.
Like bassara, Angela is transient power and giant strengths, giving her stronger limbs and rapid sparks from her quick movements even in her giant, supreme form.
Their paternal heritage gives the Majou the size, might and capabilities of transcendent giants before their bloodshed transforms them. They can turn massive and, as they do, they earn innate gifts that they cannot control: magic and nature sprouts from their body to heal and repair the world around them, making it so even if they walk into a building, or a car, it isn't destroyed and no one is harmed beneath them. They also, obviously, have exponentially growing physical conditions correlated to the size they take on.
Angela's batlaq is more fox than humanoid, existing in an odd hybrid chimerism that holds nine tails and some kind of beauty but, mostly, exists to intimidate and deny the right of sexuality. She is the base fastest (the others may fuel themselves and achieve greater speeds) of the Majou in her batlaq form.
While a Numina is a divine entity that manifests through the power of Shen and Xian in China, they are transient beings whose powers can be lost, given up or traded. Unlike normal Numina, as their mother or grandfather was, Majou have been born of something else and now exist as close to Xian as Earth-Borns can become: they are immortal figures that transition between gods, immortals, shamans, witches, fairy, elves, genie and nymphs. Their gifts are so vast and strange that they seem like any of the mythological forms a Xian can be depending on what they're doing and what gifts they're emulating.
pb: zhang yuxi
(29, january 1993) Nura and Laila are an odd set of bright and loud characters despite their looks. But, it doesn't do away from the quiet of her loves and dreams, working in gardens and bringing peace to bodies just by restoring the land and beauty of the world around her. Nura is gentle until she isn't, always a quick and ready explosive bomb of a person before returning to trying to tend to her flowers.
Nura became the sound of the explosions she watched, manifesting the ability to alter, adjust and generate sound anywhere she needs and to any means she chooses. She can negate all sound or amplify the softest whispers to boom into utter devistation. With her Fruit, this means she can shatter reflective materials anywhere, any time.
As a quiet and often lost child, Nura's gifts as a Majou let her fade into a mirror world of her own creation. From this, she learned to manifest through any reflective surface: mirrors, glass, blades, puddles, and even eyeballs. This allows her to strike out from any surface and return to mirrors again.
The seed of Nura's power harvests the awe of her siblings she held and gives her the power of flash-bangs — or, cultivations of sound so strong, reflected over itself again and again, to manifest into explosive force she manipulates the impact and devastation of.
The weakest of the Majou only because of her varied levels of confidence, she is most associated with the concept of slayers, of those who fought and conquered the beasts of the land. She is quick and devistating, but lacks the versatility of the other Majou.
Their paternal heritage gives the Majou the size, might and capabilities of transcendent giants before their bloodshed transforms them. They can turn massive and, as they do, they earn innate gifts that they cannot control: magic and nature sprouts from their body to heal and repair the world around them, making it so even if they walk into a building, or a car, it isn't destroyed and no one is harmed beneath them. They also, obviously, have exponentially growing physical conditions correlated to the size they take on.
A massive centaur weilding something like a halberd or scythe, Nura's batlaq is a massive hooved beast that can run down the enemies as quickly as it can rip them apart with the slices of its weapon. A foot soldier rather than a general, the Tianma is mighty but requires guidance on tactics and accomplishments. Its light and wings can kick up an energy that heals not only herself, but her allies, within a radius of 100 meters.
While a Numina is a divine entity that manifests through the power of Shen and Xian in China, they are transient beings whose powers can be lost, given up or traded. Unlike normal Numina, as their mother or grandfather was, Majou have been born of something else and now exist as close to Xian as Earth-Borns can become: they are immortal figures that transition between gods, immortals, shamans, witches, fairy, elves, genie and nymphs. Their gifts are so vast and strange that they seem like any of the mythological forms a Xian can be depending on what they're doing and what gifts they're emulating.
pb: pavel promphaopun
(06, may 1994) The first born son of the family and the one to wreck the all-girl cast of Majou, Oberon is a playboy, a daredevil and a flirt. But when it comes to fierce protection of his family there is no one better. Though the chances of him settling down any time soon are slim to none, he does have his dreams to keep chasing down and for now, that's good enough for everyone in the family. His hot headed ways definitely fit in with the industry he chose to drive himself into.
Currently, Oberon is a three time Motocross World Championship winner, two time FIM Motocross World Champinship winner and three time European champion.
Oberon's birth learned to harvest the strength of the universes to manifest it into a constant and continuous physical force within him. Because of this, Oberon seemingly strikes with hard blows but the weakest physical strength of the Majou. It isn't until he understands his opponent and can adjust himself that he scales, turning into an infinitly growing vessel of pure strength. He could, theoretically, leap into the air high enough and crash with the right force to shatter a planet with one blow.
Oberon can seemingly heal himself and others from touch alone but the truth of his repair is that he restores matter to an altered state of being, giving back its strength or lending some of his own. Through this, he can fuse materials and people together the way Angela does, he can trap others in unbreakable and restoring confines, or he can give any broken material new form and property.
Like his strength, Oberon can continuously grow less and less fatigued. A mixture of both of his gifts, he can restore himself from the brink of exhaustion and return to full vigor — with more time between the toxin buildup in his muscles.
The old ogres and giants and titans, who roamed mountains and broke the world, are the kind of supreme that Oberon manifests as. He can grow continously larger as his siblings do but, unlike the other Majou, his physical form alters to add more and more muscle mass as he does grow.
Their paternal heritage gives the Majou the size, might and capabilities of transcendent giants before their bloodshed transforms them. They can turn massive and, as they do, they earn innate gifts that they cannot control: magic and nature sprouts from their body to heal and repair the world around them, making it so even if they walk into a building, or a car, it isn't destroyed and no one is harmed beneath them. They also, obviously, have exponentially growing physical conditions correlated to the size they take on.
The rumored form of a dragon prince, Oberon's batlaq is a massive scaled beast that resembles both a dragon and a gargoyle on occasion, shifting between dermal armors and clay plating along his body but always capable of shaking off enough dust to create small armies of clay soldiers that listen to his will.
While a Numina is a divine entity that manifests through the power of Shen and Xian in China, they are transient beings whose powers can be lost, given up or traded. Unlike normal Numina, as their mother or grandfather was, Majou have been born of something else and now exist as close to Xian as Earth-Borns can become: they are immortal figures that transition between gods, immortals, shamans, witches, fairy, elves, genie and nymphs. Their gifts are so vast and strange that they seem like any of the mythological forms a Xian can be depending on what they're doing and what gifts they're emulating.
pb: kang seungsik
(16, april 1995) Ever the fan of language and twists, Valerian is a master of the crossword puzzle and other little games of mind and twists, giving him the slow build career of making them professionally. Since childhood, Valerian could code language and maps and created several dialects that only his Majou siblings can really understand. After falling in love and moving to America before the rest of the family (Valerian has lived in Seattle since 2016) he's made sure to make a good and comfortable life with a family of his own to grow into. He's a bit awkard, and quiet more often than not, but any time Valerian gets into the moment and enjoys the rush of the world around him he's as excited as - well, a bunny.
Valerian harvests the essence of storms, creating massive storms on a whim. While these mostly never seem to be too terrible, the focus of his storms is simple: to keep the landscape around him fostered in shrouds of darkness, balled lightning, and the heavy sheets of rain or snow he can manifest and exist comfortably within. These storms are accepted and accomodated without detriment to the ecosystem, as reality is subjective to all the Majou children.
While Valerian's destructive fruit is an essence of utter chaos and apocalypse, the power of true death, it works with his storms to truly create unending pain. Valerian can fuse his storms with the essence of destruction, creating rain drops that pelt through flesh like mortar falling from the sky, or turning snow into material that explodes and burns upon any surface it touches. There is no end to the qualities of ruined storms the apple can make.
Valerian's seed is the capture of light through his storms, the moon in the sky even through the clouds. With his moon he can accomplish a great number of lunar tricks the most powerful of which allows his light to act like an inverted spotlight: those who his light touches are free from harm through his storms, allowing him to turn a city-wide storm of destruction into something that only hurts what he does not focus his moonlight on.
The rabbit that pounds the mortar of immortality, the hare that chases the sky and the rabbits that multiply to create the Earth: Valerian is the jade hare in supremity, allowing him to crow into astronomical proportions and shroud out whole segments of the sky with his dark and terrific forms.
Their paternal heritage gives the Majou the size, might and capabilities of transcendent giants before their bloodshed transforms them. They can turn massive and, as they do, they earn innate gifts that they cannot control: magic and nature sprouts from their body to heal and repair the world around them, making it so even if they walk into a building, or a car, it isn't destroyed and no one is harmed beneath them. They also, obviously, have exponentially growing physical conditions correlated to the size they take on.
Valerian cannot write destiny the way other moon rabbits can. But the batlaq can assure the closure of your destiny with a swiftness that makes it seem predestined; just one glance and he can swipe at a life to end, or repair it, making his attacks destructive and restorative in all his varied batlaq forms.
While a Numina is a divine entity that manifests through the power of Shen and Xian in China, they are transient beings whose powers can be lost, given up or traded. Unlike normal Numina, as their mother or grandfather was, Majou have been born of something else and now exist as close to Xian as Earth-Borns can become: they are immortal figures that transition between gods, immortals, shamans, witches, fairy, elves, genie and nymphs. Their gifts are so vast and strange that they seem like any of the mythological forms a Xian can be depending on what they're doing and what gifts they're emulating.
pb: preem ranida
(10, november 1996) Ranida took horse girl to an extreme. She was an equistrian for a long time (ages 6 to 15, to be exact) before deciding she didn't actually like the way people treated both riders and animals. So, he started trying to develop her own ideas for it, now studying animal medicine to try and build a new technique for training and learning to exist with animals together. Doing her grad program with the Cazerns and the way that Avery handles animals is a great promise for the future.
While Ranida is a vessel for knowledge, it does not come freely. She harvests the power of it to loom over others and traps opponents in trivia games: for every wrong answer they give, a piece of them is locked away and removed from their essence.
Her capture games do not stop with knowledge, as her fruit lets her wrap another in a chance to earn back what they are — or risk the deal of losing everything. While she can offer to let someone "buy" back the parts they've lost, or "buy" a victory, she can take any price she wishes as well, not only guarding tangible monetary wealth but turning qualities, status, memories and subtance of souls into a cost for surviving.
Ranida's seeds work their way past the knowledge and cost of life, right down to the starstuff and destiny of a person. She can harvest the essence of a target's zodiac (the constellations of the sky on the day they were born) to create and manifest powerful creatures that do her own bidding.
Because of the unknowable quality of Ranida's gifts, she's most closely associated with semi divine beings like archangels — upper echelons of heavenly power that can alter reality and the lives of mortals on a whim.
Their paternal heritage gives the Majou the size, might and capabilities of transcendent giants before their bloodshed transforms them. They can turn massive and, as they do, they earn innate gifts that they cannot control: magic and nature sprouts from their body to heal and repair the world around them, making it so even if they walk into a building, or a car, it isn't destroyed and no one is harmed beneath them. They also, obviously, have exponentially growing physical conditions correlated to the size they take on.
Just as the Ruishi is a lion-dog of guardianship, so too is Ranida, turning into a massive beast set on all four legs that can run down any enemy or challenge. She is fiercly strong, judging and looming knowledge and riches over any she wishes to devastate.
While a Numina is a divine entity that manifests through the power of Shen and Xian in China, they are transient beings whose powers can be lost, given up or traded. Unlike normal Numina, as their mother or grandfather was, Majou have been born of something else and now exist as close to Xian as Earth-Borns can become: they are immortal figures that transition between gods, immortals, shamans, witches, fairy, elves, genie and nymphs. Their gifts are so vast and strange that they seem like any of the mythological forms a Xian can be depending on what they're doing and what gifts they're emulating.
pb: wang yibo
(03, january 1997) One too many dreams flutter in and out of Bentley's batlaq side to not overwhelm his reality. Because of it, he's always been aloof — not cold, really, but not fully here. In a better world he would have been an expression of Dreams themselves. Instead, he is a vessel for stealing the limelight instead. Once he found the attention, he has been hard pressed to let it go. Now, with three men devoted to him (and one another) he seems to have finally found all the devotion he's ever wanted from the world outside of his siblings. Becoming a Cazern is the only logical next step — a world stage of affection. He's enrolling to study acting.
Bentley can alter the landscape of reality and make himself, through magnetism, the new "center of the universe". In his typical human form he can force all materials within ten kilometers to suddenly be drawn toward him, which could theoretically level whole city streets and force everything to crash down into the ground.
Rather than utter destruction, however, Bentley's fruit allows the connection to all that matter to be only necessary for a moment in time — upon becoming the "center of the universe" he can adapt to absorb, adjust, and manifest all talents, traits and abilities in that radius, making him the temporarily superior adaptive core that he imagines himself to be. He can maintain these gifts for, roughly, twenty six minutes.
Because of all that power, Bentley's seed expels from him all the excess of imagination and qualities that he's taken on. In this way, he can maintain control over himself, as these thoughts no longer exist inside of him but on a battle field instead. His Bitter Truths, like his Center Of The Universe time, does not last long — but he has been able to manifest other's imaginations into reality for upwards of three hours at a shot.
The Hanging Gardens and the towers of knowledge, Bentley is mythological and worth orbiting, making his supremity the nature of the Babylonians, the founders of stories larger than life. He turns into sizes of gods as they imagined, with heads that hover over clouds and bodies that could turn into continents, when he does start to increase his size.
Their paternal heritage gives the Majou the size, might and capabilities of transcendent giants before their bloodshed transforms them. They can turn massive and, as they do, they earn innate gifts that they cannot control: magic and nature sprouts from their body to heal and repair the world around them, making it so even if they walk into a building, or a car, it isn't destroyed and no one is harmed beneath them. They also, obviously, have exponentially growing physical conditions correlated to the size they take on.
The Baku is the dreameater, the way that dreamcatchers can save one from nightmares, or succubi can infiltrate the dreamscape, so too can Bentley in his batlaq form. A beast always on four legs, his elongated nose (or sometimes, tusks) pierce without pain into a body to enter and take from their dreams, only to drag the pieces it captures out into reality.
While a Numina is a divine entity that manifests through the power of Shen and Xian in China, they are transient beings whose powers can be lost, given up or traded. Unlike normal Numina, as their mother or grandfather was, Majou have been born of something else and now exist as close to Xian as Earth-Borns can become: they are immortal figures that transition between gods, immortals, shamans, witches, fairy, elves, genie and nymphs. Their gifts are so vast and strange that they seem like any of the mythological forms a Xian can be depending on what they're doing and what gifts they're emulating.
pb: xu minghao
Caspian harvests the power of metaphors and symbolic words, allowing him to speak anything in an odd way and make it a truth. If he calls someone a pot to a kettle, they can be turned into a literal inanimate object. If he says someone has a heart of gold it can be a blessing — goodness and strength imbued into them — or a curse — a literal heart of gold, which kills them instantly.
Because he can alter so much with a few select words, Caspian's fruit helps to balance this by allowing him to alter materials and adjust pure life. That is, Caspian can detect life and living tissue, accelarate growth rates of organic matter, over-rejuvinate living material to the point of being beyond operation (if your skin or brain heals too rapidly, you cannot function anymore), or convert inorganic matter into organic materials like turning a rock into a living eye with which he can see from afar.
Caspian's seed removes any need for logic to these metaphors and alterations. If Caspian feels that someone is all mechanical, they can suddenly be adorned in nuts and bolts that, upon removal, dismantle their body without harm to them but also leaving them with no means to come back together. Nothing can apply understanding, or reasoning, to Caspian's effects — it is as if every alteration is his own dying wish.
Caspian is a massive oversight of the world, the giant wings of sand that brought devastation and storms and, sometimes, absolute power and wishes, to those who were on journeys. He can grow to varying heights, sometimes even shrinking beyond the other Majou.
Their paternal heritage gives the Majou the size, might and capabilities of transcendent giants before their bloodshed transforms them. They can turn massive and, as they do, they earn innate gifts that they cannot control: magic and nature sprouts from their body to heal and repair the world around them, making it so even if they walk into a building, or a car, it isn't destroyed and no one is harmed beneath them. They also, obviously, have exponentially growing physical conditions correlated to the size they take on.
Caspian has one of the more static Batlaq forms among the Majou, as the firebird is so dominant within him. Because of it, he is a massive bird on fire, a phoenix and a dragon at once, capable of taking his fire from real science to the inexplicable nature of spiritual flames and cosmic burning any time he so pleases.
While a Numina is a divine entity that manifests through the power of Shen and Xian in China, they are transient beings whose powers can be lost, given up or traded. Unlike normal Numina, as their mother or grandfather was, Majou have been born of something else and now exist as close to Xian as Earth-Borns can become: they are immortal figures that transition between gods, immortals, shamans, witches, fairy, elves, genie and nymphs. Their gifts are so vast and strange that they seem like any of the mythological forms a Xian can be depending on what they're doing and what gifts they're emulating.
pb: aaronsee_
(23, february 2001) A shameless fool, Aaron would, like Bentley, rather have the world adorn him with its glory than care about what people consider lacking in modesty or humble truths. He does have a head on his shoulders, though, for the way to run his little career through and build an image for himself. He wants to be a celebrity chef, trying out studies for either business or culinary talents, but making up an online absurd comedy personality is just part of the journey of carving his own way. Like Oberion, he is a massive playboy, never bringing home the same person more than three times.
Aaron harvests the power of the soul, manifesting any appendages he wishes from his own body, from materials around him, or even from another person. A thousand hands that crawl out from all around to touch and drag at a living vessel is a simple and common technique. As his "soul parts" touch a living body, the body is drained. Of its essence, of its structure, of what makes it real. So, though he does not harvest a killing, he harvests a destruction all the same: the ability to leave any living thing as little more than a puddle of organic matter with no thought, or essence, or ability to be.
His fruit is the gifts of death that are denied from his harvest. He takes the souls he's captured, or the whole body, and traps it into death loops until they are broken and guilt ridden enough to be merged with his essence; in this way, he can then release the essence unto the afterlife and reanimate the puddle of organic matter into a servant of death from the haunted forests he creates.
Because he can impact the body and soul directly, Aaron's seed is a gift of pleasure: he can release a soul with kindness, or give glee to the spirits he's touching. He can also utilize this to connect without draining. If Aaron gives pleasure to a body, he is connected to that soul — not in a way that gives him better information on them, but in a way that allows him to manipulate, and draw from, the vessel itself. If he makes you cum, he can generate replicas of you, or fill vessels with parts of your knowledge base, your memories, your powers, to do his bidding. Because of overpleasured soul replications inside of him, Aaron manifests as a kind of manifestation of both masculine and feminine aspects the way Ziven, Valerian and Ranida can, making them kind of sex manifestations.
All the sex beings of souls and dreamscapes were giant, ladden with lust and beauty and size. Aaron's supremity then makes it more obvious that he is not exactly human and requires two or three glances for understanding, often making him look larger, older, or more devistatingly handsome as he adjusts his stature.
Their paternal heritage gives the Majou the size, might and capabilities of transcendent giants before their bloodshed transforms them. They can turn massive and, as they do, they earn innate gifts that they cannot control: magic and nature sprouts from their body to heal and repair the world around them, making it so even if they walk into a building, or a car, it isn't destroyed and no one is harmed beneath them. They also, obviously, have exponentially growing physical conditions correlated to the size they take on.
Although Aaron typically looks more humanoid than the other Batlaq, as a massive looming man with horns and hellfire, he can take on the different traits of animals in his large stance as well — he only retains human touches from the excessive shards of souls he has within him from the pleasure he's given others.
While a Numina is a divine entity that manifests through the power of Shen and Xian in China, they are transient beings whose powers can be lost, given up or traded. Unlike normal Numina, as their mother or grandfather was, Majou have been born of something else and now exist as close to Xian as Earth-Borns can become: they are immortal figures that transition between gods, immortals, shamans, witches, fairy, elves, genie and nymphs. Their gifts are so vast and strange that they seem like any of the mythological forms a Xian can be depending on what they're doing and what gifts they're emulating.
An impractical optimist, driven against the reality he accepts and choosing to stand up to fight against a reality he knows to be true, Ziven is a boy of colorful hope through and through. There is an indelible fire for better in Ziven no matter what is happening. Is there a celebrity breaking norms and spreading hate? Cool, punch them in the face and go back to discussing why their films matter. Is there a bully trying to disrupt lunch? Break a lunch tray over their face and let everyone eat in peace again. There is wickedness in the world, true beasts, monsters and villains, and the honesty of it is that the world will always come back to pain.
But that is exactly why Ziven fights. And it is exactly why he steals joy from the day in the fistfulls. There is only so much wonder in the world and it is up to each person living to make enough of it that things become truly limitless. The future, the past, it doesn't matter. What matters is exactly now, exactly what every fist does to break open and pour new light into the world.
This hasn't, of course, always been an easy thing to translate into a language other humans understand. Or, rather, other beings that look and act like humans. The terrads of Earth don't take to it kindly. It hasn't meant that Ziven has had a difficult life, really, but the privilege of his parents' hard work doesn't pay off in every regard there is. Most people certainly wouldn't consider the need to fight, and kill, monsters and demons with your own siblings together an easy or normal childhood. They would consider it even less so when each of your siblings and you are monsters, too, and sometimes have troubles with turning into giant beasts, or getting temporarily lost in your gifts, other universes, and dimensions. Not that it ever really bothered Ziven. There was always a nice, comfortable bed, and a world to enjoy and parents who listened and encouraged. He wasn't one to get down and out about any of it at all. Instead, he's turned into a bit of a story that gets passed around. The boy who looks too tall, with the awkward feline face. The trouble maker. The one who broke twelve noses and threw a teacher out of a classroom window. The same one who forced the dean of his school to drive off a cliff.
Not all true, of course.
It was only four noses, when that rumor came out. It's twelve now.
Ziven is a quixotic consequentialist, in whatever measure of the phrases he can come to grasp. He doesn't believe in hope for hope's sake — he believes in it because of the actions taken to make it real. He would run into a burning building without fear not because he thinks he wouldn't die, but because the result of helping someone is worth more than the reality of the dangers. Since he was a child, this has always been the simplest logic for him. Is there danger? Yes. Coudl he die? Sure. But is it worth it?
The privelege of his heritage is not just the power enough to exist as he does, but the air with which to breathe despite it. When Ziven was a child and wanted to learn the kind of fighting he saw in movies, his parents obliged; when he first saw a circus in motion and wanted so badly to flip off the highwires himself, they got him lessons. It was never a reward for good behavior, or a thing that could be taken away as a punishment. Life was not about that. Lessons and growth was not a reward for action. Good was for good's sake.
Like this, Ziven's life was full of hope and unkillable dreams. Well, mostly unkillable. Relationships were a difficulty — the boy was needy and too spoiled, which always lead to more fights than formulated tenderness — and school was an in and out kind of situation. With the moving they did when he was young, teachers usually figured Ziven was acting out against the relocations; as he got older, he started to get labeled differently. A danger to others. A threat. He came with a warning label and a rap sheet that ran far too long. Fights. Suspension. No teacher ever really got it, at first, because Ziven is the kind of optimistic hopeful kid everyone considers a nerd. But they would see it fast enough. One bully picking on someone within earshot of Ziven, or someone trying to mock a person wandering the hallways and suddenly, he was throwing them into a locker or breaking something against their face.
The suspensions and exclusions gave him time, though. For better training. For learning. For dreaming. The circus seemed like the tool: the get away and safety, escaping into a world of outsiders who didn't have to take anything and never had to worry about being picked on as a necessity. For years, that seemed the trick. Make a life for himself so full of wonder that nothing could penetrate and he wouldn't have the looming weight of "crimes" against him. His parents liked the focus, the way he started to channel himself into better than he had been in his youth. So, they helped, got him the lessons he needed on a single promise.
He had to finish college, no matter what. Any degree. Any amount of time it'd take. He had to finish, because if the only thing that mattered was what we did, we had to do it to the best of our abilities. It was sound logic, reasonable, and got Ziven to shape up and get into King's College (after a lot of hard work). It was there that his life took the most drastic change — when a group of friends went to see the Sonderbata Circus on its stop in London while Ziven was starting to second guess his Mass Communications path. For the rest of his months in the college, Ziven made plans and approaches to his parents with serious adjustments, working on how to even move his podcast and transition from wanting to perform at a circus to wanting to be the ring leader of a whole new spectacle.
It took some work, but it's come to fruition, and now that he's moved to New York, the rest of his life is still waiting to crack open to let all the light in.